Some People Say That Schools Do Not Make Enough Efforts to Teach

Some people say that schools do not make enough efforts to teach young people to look after their health and they add that schools should take health education more seriously. Do you agree or disagree?

Educational institutes are considered the prime location for individuals to learn minor and major lessons for life. Health education has always been a topic of discussion where parents feel like more time should be spent on the subject enlightening the students. More information on the same will be synchronized in the body paragraphs below.

To commence with, Individuals do not realize that the education begins at home and not only the schooling institutes, but they themselves are equally responsible for the child’s growth and learnings. Joining hands with the school authorities and staying involved with their child at home is as important as schools teaching health education. Students learn in class, implement at home, and correct
them side by side is necessary for the successful results is as important as the other activities.

Furthermore, Schools should also maintain the balance between health education and the other subjects being taught as this is equally important. Some institutes have introduced special common slots for health awareness conducted a week thrice, and a follow-up session is conducted after each session. During this pandemic, when health awareness is a major issue of concern, schools should have a short awareness video before the start of the academic day, keeping their students aware. It

all begins with small steps such as washing hands, keeping surroundings sanitized, and so on. To sum up, health education is an important area of concern and should be considered as a priority in the learning stages of individuals’ lives. Parents should get equally involved and keep a close check on their pupils, ensuring they are on the right track. Health education is a matter of concern and should have the utmost importance.

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