Talk About a Science Subject That You Studied and Liked

Talk About a Science Subject That You Studied and Liked

  • What it was?
  • Why you chose it?
  • How can you use it in your life?
  • And explain what you liked the best about this subject.

Sample Answer of Talk About a Science Subject That You Studied and Liked

Thanks to give me such an interesting cue card topic. From childhood period, I love so much to know how the resources can be invented which make our life way easier and leads us to the new and advanced world.

But more than this, I often confused how it is possible to live only on earth not on any other planets, and what the universe still hides from us. At the school time, I knew that all my concerns were related to science and there are different parts of science to learn different things.  So, at the high school, I chose to study about space exploration

because I was so optimistic by Indian astronaut Kalpana Chawla. I also wanted to see the universe and our planets along with sun outside from the earth. At previous time, it was just my dream to watch it .

But as I am getting older, I realise that it is becoming mandatory to explore the universe and find our an alternate option to live there. Because our earth is becoming dangerous as global warming is increasing in large amount which is making it tough to survive on this planet.

So, by studying on this topic, I now realise that my dream can give people a new hope and people can be saved from this increasing danger.

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