Describe a Time when You Were Very Busy IELTS Cue Cards

Describe a Time When You Were Very Busy IELTS Cue Cards

  • When It Was
  • What You Had to Do During that Time
  • How You Managed It
  • And Explain how You Felt About Being very busy.  

As I am the youngest in my family, I haven’t had many responsibilities that could keep me busy at any time. But once, I was entrusted with an important responsibility that kept me busy for three continuous days.

It was an interesting experience that helped me adopt an optimistic attitude towards work. I would like to describe it briefly.

About 3 years ago, during my brother’s wedding, there was no one else in our family available to take on the responsibility of organizing the function and managing everything except for me and my father.

My brother told me that I had to manage all the functions and be responsible until the marriage was over. Initially, it felt like someone had caught a flying bird and put it in a cage.

But soon, I composed myself and got busy with the wedding preparations 🎉. There were numerous activities that I had to complete within a limited timeframe. The list was so long that it kept me occupied until the early hours of the morning over those three days.

I planned everything about the program, including where the function would be organized, where the sweet dishes would be made, and where all the relatives would stay, etc. Arranging each task took so much time that I even had no time to prepare myself for the wedding.

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However, it wasn’t as boring as I initially thought. It was quite interesting to see people enjoying the arrangements and praising the organization, all of which was planned and organized by me. It was a valuable experience as it boosted my motivation to work with full responsibility and dedication.

2 thoughts on “Describe a Time when You Were Very Busy IELTS Cue Cards”

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