Talk About a Time when You Encouraged Someone to Do Something that He/she Didn’t Want to Do

Talk about a time when you encouraged someone to do something that he/she didn’t want to do

  • Who he or she is,
  • What you encouraged him/her to do,
  • How he/she reacted,
  • Why do you encourage him/her

Sample Answer of Talk About a Time when You Encouraged Someone to Do Something that He/she Didn’t Want to Do

Yes, that’s a good question; however, I have supported my sister in her career so that she can work and stand by her own, wherein she didn’t take it as that serious as she had kids she has to take care of them, even her husband didn’t want to go for work, even if I encourage to go to work she doesn’t want to.

Yes, she had completed MBA in hr, so I recommended doing some HR jobs, but after maternity, she had a very long gap, and she lost her interest to go to any jobs, a job is not her first priority when compared to her family life.

She has a wish to do some business wherein she can take care of her family as well as business, but she didn’t get financial support from her husband, so she kept quiet and did her daily routine.

I encouraged her because she has two daughters they are growing up, as it is not sufficient with one person salary. Also, they are committed to a home loan, school bills are very high, so if she goes to work, it will be good to manage her family smoothly.

Follow-ups of Talk About a Time when You Encouraged Someone to Do Something that He/she Didn’t Want to Do

Question 1:- How could leaders encourage their employees?

Answer:- Yes, leaders are the example for the employees; whatever they do, employees will reciprocate. To become a leader, they need to have some quality. Only then they can rule the team. The leader should be broad-minded, help the employees whenever they want, always support them in any situation.

Question 2:- When should parents encourage their children?

Answer:- As a parent, they have to encourage their kids, by doing that their kids also will feel happy and they give more love to the parents, whenever the kid is doing any good work or whenever the kids failed, or they demotivated that time parents should encourage them, it will be moral support to them.

Question 3:- What kind of encouragement should parents give?

Answer:- Yes, they can encourage their kids at any time, for example, if a kid is not scoring good marks when they feel low so as a parent they have to talk to the kids, pay attention to what subject they are lacking what kind of support they require if they want any special tutor and helping them to score good marks, by doing this, they will feel happier.

Question 4:- Do you think some people are better at persuading others?

Answer:- Yes, that is true, not all people are the same each one will have different thoughts and views, everyone will follow their own goal example if see in one class there will be students who study well and topper in the class, so this example will suits better for this question.

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