Many People Believe that Healthy Eating and The Importance of Healthy Food

Many People Believe that Healthy Eating and The Importance of Healthy Food Should Be Taught in Schools. Others Say that Parents Should Teach Their Kids About Healthy Food and Diet. Discuss Both Views, Give Your Opinion and Relevant Examples

The importance of a healthy diet has grown ever since we have stepped into a sedentary lifestyle topped The importance of a healthy diet has grown ever since we have stepped into a sedentary lifestyle topped up with a mushroom growth of affordable fast-food outlets. Some people opine that parents should apprise children about a healthy diet, whereas others say that it should be on the teachers to teach students about healthy eating. This essay intends to analyse both perspectives. I believe that in today’s scenario, both teachers and parents have to share this task pro-actively.

It is easy to see why teaching children about healthy eating should be parents job. Parents are the people children look upon as role models. Children imitate their parents almost immediately, smiling when they smile, repeating what they say and imitating their mannerisms. Eating is no different, and the way parents talk about food, cook meals and eat are the most important influence of developing healthy eating habits on a child. As role models, parents need to make sure they’re demonstrating a healthy attitude toward food so their children do, too. Researches have shown that children who ate with their families had healthier overall diets than those who did not. As a result, these kids also tended to have a lower prevalence of obesity too.

On the other hand, some people contend that teachers are in a better position than parents to act as positive role models for students, as far as healthy eating is concerned. Students watch what the teacher says and does very carefully. A teacher who makes healthy choices – including healthy eating and regular physical activity – can have a good influence on the health of students. Students spend only about 6-8 hours in a school every day, but that time is the most impressionable time. Moreover, some parents themselves are not mush aware of healthy eating. Teachers can in fact teach them too through their children.

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I believe, neither teachers nor parents can shrug their shoulders and say it is not their job to teach children about healthy eating. It has to be a combined effort to ward off the menace of childhood obesity. Obesity is the root of several other diseases, which can afflict children. If both parents and teachers accept this responsibility and strive to be good role models for children, the whole community would be benefited.

To sum up, talking about wholesome diet to children is very essential in today’s times and both teachers must do it together to leave an imprint on the minds of children.

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