Talk About a Time When You Enjoyed Your Visit to a Park or Garden

Talk About a Time When You Enjoyed Your Visit to a Park or Garden

  • Where was it?
  • What it looked like?
  • What you did there?
  • And explain why you liked it there?

Sample Answer of Talk About a Time When You Enjoyed Your Visit to a Park or Garden

Well, nature has a great power to turn sad faces into happy ones whose people love to spend time in the lap of nature. I will Iike to speak about a garden where I like to visit more. This Wonderland park was in the vicinity of my town. It was a paradise on the earth, and I used to go there in the morning as well as in the evening time whenever I went there in the morning time; I did some exercises as I did running, yoga meditation and sometimes I spent my time in the lap of nature to talk with heart and to share my everyday experiences with it. I liked this place because, in the morning time, it was a tranquil place, as very few people visited that place.

Moreover, whenever there was any Rose fest, and other programs were organised, I used to go there. I made an immense contribution to beautifying it by planting many trees. I also searched alot, what kind of plants are needed to decorate it. So I loved that place because I had spent a lot of time there. It provided a soothing effect to my mind and my body.

Follow-ups Talk About a Time When You Enjoyed Your Visit to a Park or Garden.

Question 1. Are public gardens significant in your country? what do you think are the benefits of having parked in the city?

Answer – Public gardens are essential because people visit the park and pass their time and rejuvenate themselves. If there are public gardens in any city or town and people can exercise, they can stay healthy. Moreover, it also brings honour to its inhabitants.

Question 2. Are there any public gardens in your country?

Answer – Yes, injure garden is very famous. There are a variety of flowers as well as plenty of trees, which add more charm to its beauty. It has occupied alot of space. Many people go there to the photoshoot, and many film scenes have been shot at this place.

Question 3. Do you think there are enough public gardens in your hometown?

Answer – Well, in my hometown, there aren’t many gardens. It has only one public garden, which is very old. It is maintained with the help of local people because local people use it for doing exercises and organising social programs.

Question 4. Very often, public gardens are not designed in a simple way but, instead, are laid out in a rather complex way. Why do you think this is the case?

Answer – If the public garden is designed in a simple form, people will not visit it more.If they will be organised in a complex structure like using the trees to make a different shape as well as using the grass to make any kind of animal make the people have frequent visits. People will visit more because they like extraordinary things and the complexity of the garden make it popular among people.

Question 5. Do you think governments should provide public gardens for people to visit?

Answer – Certainly, if government provide public gardens for the people to visit. It’s an excellent way to make people physically as well as mentally healthy. If there is a public garden, then people will see to do exercises and spend some time with nature. In this way, they remove their monotony and feel relaxed.

Question 6 How do people of different age groups use public gardens?

Answer – Different age groups use gardens in different ways. Children use parks to play hide and seek run a race. Oldsters want to enjoy their free time reading newspapers as well as chatting with their friends. Youngsters mostly do the study because these places are tranquil. So different age group spend their time in a garden in another way.

Question 7. What are the benefits of the park in the city?

Answer – Parks are significant in a city. If there is a park in a town, then city people get a chance to go there, if not during weekdays but at the weekends. Moreover, city people don’t have enough space to organise social programs to manage it in a park. So a park is significant in a city.

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