Talk About a Well-Paid Job that You Think You Would Be Good At

Talk about a well-paid job that you think you would be good at

  • What the job is?
  • What qualifications are required for this job?
  • How this job is different than other jobs?
  • and say why you would be good at this job. 

Thanks to give me such an interesting cue card topic. As there are number of jobs that are highly rewarded, but they are equally challenging too. I would like to do a job of a civil structural engineer. There are numerous reasons behind choosing this kind of job. I would like to share it briefly with you.

The job of a civil structural engineer is most challenging and highly rewarded. No one can do this job as it needs especially an education of masters in civil structural. Along with it, one must have at least 5 year experience in same field.

This job is far different from another because a civil structural engineer has a big responsibility of a building. If he doesn’t awareness in designing structure of building, then the building would demolish and it leads to the death of numerous employees working in it. So, the safety of employees and building is largely depend on a structural engineer.

My father is already a civil engineer. So, he taught me numerous basic things of construction line and I learnt a lot work while going with my father at a construction site.

According to me, one must choose the profession in which he has a little bit experience already and his interest. So, I think that I would be perfect in this job because I have a knowledge of construction work. I decide already to do master in this field and choose it as my career.

Describe a time when you were forced to do something against your will

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