Talk about an Article on Health that You Read from a Magazine or Online

Talk about an article on health that you read from a magazine or online

You should say:

  • What was the article?
  • When and where did you read it?
  • What did you learn from the piece?
  • Explain why you think it is a good or bad article?

Sample Answer of Talk about an Article on Health that You Read from a Magazine or Online

I want to describe an article which I read not quite long, and it was just yesterday. It’s about drinking water. How much water should you drink in a day, and why should you drink in a day? Drinking 4 litres of water a day helps to regulate the blood circulation in our body. If you are feeling thirsty, you can drink as much water as you like in a day. Water plays a vital role in our body which boosts the immune system and refreshes the tired body. It will keep you active and fresh. This article I find it useful because the information is detailed and useful for the children’s and adults those who can get the benefit of drinking water eventually I share this article with my friends and family as well

Follow-ups Talk about an Article on Health that You Read from a Magazine or Online.

Question 1. Why is it that different people want to see various magazines?

Answer – yes, of course, the choices different from each other is like me I prefer to read some magazine which consists of sports diamond experts like movies. I like to read this type of magazine, but some of my friends are really into reading magazines about politics and if it depends upon the person’s choice.

Question 2. What type of magazines do teens prefer to read?

Answer – Yes, as I mentioned before, teenagers prefer the type of magazine which consists of more entertainment and sports aspects.

Question 3. What is the distinction between information on TV and information in magazines?

Answer – the information on the magazines like the solitaire is printed on paper. It is going to be there as a physical component of communication. Once the information is published as a magazine, you cannot overwrite it again if there is any mistake. But the information on the TV show, program and news can be overwritten by re-telecasting correct details.

Question 4. Do folks like to read the information on the World Wide Web?

Answer – Yes, the internet is its significant aspect in today’s world whereas you can independently read several information and articles. Type of information like politics, social study, geography, and science are available on the world wide web in simple online (internet).

Question 5. Do people still purchase magazines in your own country?

Answer – Yes, I believe some people prefer to read it online. At the same time, some people still prefer to buy paper base magazines as a solitary copy. Some of my buddies buy magazines and like to read articles in them.

Question 6. Do you feel the people now are healthier than people previously?

Answer – To be frank, I don’t think so because our habits can say how healthy we are. People in the previous generation would have given more importance to food habits like fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken and meat, etc. Todays’ fast-growing world young generation don’t have enough time to choose a healthy diet. Intake of fast food leads to an unhealthy life. I strongly recommend a healthy intake diet, and regular exercise can lead a healthy life.

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