Talk About an English Lesson You Enjoyed

Talk About an English Lesson You Enjoyed

  • Who gave the lecture?
  • When did you attend?
  • Where did you attend?
  • What did teacher do?
  • Why do you think it was enjoyable?

Sample Answer of Talk About an English Lesson You Enjoyed

Education is the third eye of a plays an important role in the life of a person because without education a person is achieve success in life a person must attain knowledge to build his school and college time every student has his favourite subject.

so I too have my favourite subject and that is English.I like this subject since my early school uncle B.S.Kahlon has done masters in English language and he is an inspiration to I would like to talk about an English lecture which I attend when I was doing my was the month of December and our final year exams were coming ahead.

but I have some droughts in grammar portion of English.V.P Sood was our English professor.he was a very qualified day I request him with some of my classmates to teach us grammar section.he agreed to our request and told us that he will organise a separate class for grammar on Monday he took our class.some students were with me.professor sahib started the grammar with basics of English grammar.

he taught us to step by step all the concepts of English between the lecture, he asked us about any problem and told us that if you have any dought then you could ask that day he also taught us the strategy for doing masters in the English language.

he advised doing prior planning for doing M.A English and also gave reference to some good books of grammar and that day he cleared all our doubts in the grammar section and because of that I secured excellent marks in my final year graduation exams.I really enjoyed that lesson and that is my favourite lesson ever which I cannot forget.


Q-1:  what is the status of English all over the world?

Ans: English is speaking in almost all parts of the world and due to this it is called the world language.if one knows the English language then he can communicate with a person from any corner of the world.

Q-2: mostly students afraid of learning English but why you like it?

Ans: it is true that most students afraid of learning English but I love it because there was an English atmosphere in my house since uncle have done masters in the English language so he always motivated me to learn it since my early school days.

Q-3: what is the future of English in India nowadays?

Ans: the future of English is bright in India nowadays because there is a race among Indian students to go abroad and they appeared in the IELTS exam to a large extent.students do IELTS and are going abroad for more job opportunities.

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