Talk About an Occasion You Had a Cake that Was Special.

Talk About an Occasion You Had a Cake that Was Special.

  • What Was the Occasion?
  • Who Had a Cake for You?
  • How Did You Celebrate It?

There are a number of occasions that make me happy in my life, and I can never forget these occasions. Today, I would like to talk about one of these occasions when my elder brother gave me a surprise on my 25th birthday.

Actually, he had planned to celebrate my birthday, and I was unaware of it. He had bought a special cake 🎂 for the occasion, which is my favourite and was very special.

It was the time when I was residing in Manila, Philippines. I was working in the finance sector there. On that day, I was at work, and everyone except my brother wished me.

I was surprised the whole day that my brother forgot my birthday for the first time. I celebrate my birthday very rarely.

But on that day, when I reached home, I was surprised to see that everyone was making arrangements for some celebration.

I still did not know what the purpose was. It added to my surprise when my brother asked me to help them in doing preparations instead of wishing me for my birthday.

When they finished all the arrangements, my brother told me to bring the cake from the fridge. My joy knew no bounds when I saw the cake because it was for me and especially of my favourite flavour. Something was written on it like, “Happy birthday to my best brother in the world” 🎉.

After that, the celebration started. Some guests, invited by my brother, wished me for my birthday. My brother also bought a suit for me and told me to get ready for the celebration by wearing it.

I dressed up to my nines. My brother had made all the arrangements for the party. He also bought some eatables, and some were prepared by my sister-in-law.

After getting ready, I cut the cake, and the guests gave me gifts they brought for me. After that, all the guests enjoyed various dishes.

My brother then invited everyone to dance to the rhythmic tunes of music 🎵. I too enjoyed dancing with the whole family. After the dance, it was dinner time. Everyone had dinner and then went back home. It was really a special occasion.

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Q-1: Do you like to celebrate your birthday?

Ans: I celebrated my birthday until I reached the age of 18. But after that, as I matured, I understood the reality of nature. Our lifespan shortens every day. So, it is better to do some good things on your birthday instead of wasting money on the celebration. I like to help the poor and needy people on my birthday. It gives me peace of mind 🕊️.

Q-2: What did you feel when your brother gave you a surprise by celebrating your birthday?

Ans: I just expected from my brother that he would wish me. But I did not expect a celebration from my brother on my birthday. When I got surprised after seeing the arrangements made by my brother, I felt very happy, and the respect and love that I have in my heart for my brother definitely increased ❤️.

Q-3: Why is the trend of celebrating occasions decreasing among people nowadays?

Ans: The first and foremost reason behind this is inflation 💸. People earn their livelihood with difficulty. Income is not increasing at the speed of inflation. It disturbs the schedule of people. They want to save money for future expectations.

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