The Bar Chart Shows the Scores of Teams a, B, and C Over Four Different Seasons.

The Bar Chart Shows the Scores of Teams a, B, and C Over Four Different Seasons.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The Bar Chart Shows the Scores of Teams a, B, and C Over Four Different Seasons.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Sample Answers of the AC Writing The Bar Chart Shows the Scores of Teams a, B, and C Over Four Different Seasons.

The given bar graph illustrates the information about the results of team A, B and C in the four years.

Overall, Team B was scored maximum from the A and C, but team C has scored too much minimum, which was less than A also.

In the year 2020, the scores which were taken by team A that was 5 points whereas, team B has scores too high points it was near about 80 while, and team C has taken 10 points. Moreover, In 2003, team A and C was scored near about 15 points, but team B has scored a total of 60 points.

Furthermore, team A has scored 35 points, and Team B was scored more than 10 points from team A, and team C has scored 12 points in the year 2004 as well as, in the year 2005, team A and C was scored similar which was near about 8 points, but team B was scored above 50 points.

So These are the Sample answers of AC Writing (The Bar Chart Shows the Scores of Teams a, B, and C Over Four Different Seasons.)

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