The Chart Below Shows What Anthropology Graduates from One

The Chart Below Shows What Anthropology Graduates from One University Did After Finishing Their Undergraduate Degree Course. The table shows the Salaries of The Anthropologist’s Work After Five Years. Summarise the Information by Selecting and Reporting the Main Features, and Make Comparisons Where Relevant.

The chart below shows what Anthropology graduates from one university did after finishing their undergraduate degree courseThe pie chart and table illustrate the destination of Anthropology graduates from one university and the salaries of Anthropology graduates after five years of work.

Overall, it can be seen that the destination of Anthropology graduates. The majority of the graduates had full-time work. At the same time, the proportion of freelance consultants in the government sector earned above $100000.

Firstly, most of the graduates had full-time work. In addition, 15% of them had part-time work. At the same time, only 5% had part-time work plus postgrad study. Moreover, full-time postgrad study does not have similar proportions. This accounted for 8% of the graduates respectively. 12% of the graduates were unemployed.

However, the salary of graduates after five years of work is. In freelance consultants and government employees, only 5% of graduates had $25000-49999, and the majority of workers had above 75000. On the other hand, some graduates work in private companies. Most of the employees had$50000-74999.

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