The Diagram Below Shows the Typical Stages of Consumer Goods Manufacturing, Including the Process

The diagram below shows the typical stages of consumer goods manufacturing, including the process by which information is fed back to earlier stages to enable adjustment. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the process shown.

The diagram below shows the typical stages of consumer goods manufacturing

The given chart demonstrates two consecutive processes, including the production of consumer goods and circulation feedback from the department and market to the product research department to make effective products.

Overall, it can be seen that, initially, the product procurement department makes policy and plan for manufacturing to till sales into the market in between the testing team giving their response to the design department. Conversely, the packaging department received information from the market research team for the packaging of products. This cyclical process enhances goods manufacturing.

In detail, the company’s prior arrangement about raw materials and manufactured components stored in the storage and used as per requirement. To begin with, as per market demand production planning department create a requirement for goods and give instruction to the storage department, whereas simultaneously design department follows the instruction received from the product research team and transfers information to the planning department. After that, the second stage of the process starts assembling products for the final touch and sending them to an inspection section. Following this stage, goods examine by testing teams and the final product is received in the packaging store for packaging. Similarly, the testing team share report with the design section and the market research team prepared advertising tactics and informed to packaging team.

Finally, products reach to despatch department, where the sales team distribute products in the market and examines the sales and make a report which circulates with the marketing and design teams for product betterment.

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