The Gap Between the Rich and The Poor Is Becoming Wider: Writing Task 2

The Gap Between the Rich and The Poor Is Becoming Wider; the Rich Are Becoming Richer, and The Poor Are Getting Even Poorer. What Problems Can the Situation Cause? What Can Be Done to Reduce This Gap? Give Reasons for Your Answer and Include Relevant Examples from Your Knowledge and Experience.

There are some disparities between the rich and the poor. The rich continue to be rich while the poor remain poor. According to this view, this can cause social vices such as robbery and crime. Furthermore, this problem can solved by creating more job opportunities.

To begin with, crime and robbery cases are on the increase due to poverty in our society. The rich have support from people and even higher authorities to enable them to do their business. Also, the rich have access to higher education, which helps them have more business ideas to assist their business growth. The rich tend to live a good and happy lifestyle, and the poor do not get this. The hardship the poor people go through makes them envy the rich and later lands them into robbery and theft because they think that is the only way to get rich.

However, the government and privately owned businesses should come together and create more jobs to enable low-income people to get work. These people can trained to help them work without stress. Job forums should also organised to create awareness on how to start a private business. For instance, anyone trained in vocational skills like hairdressing, carpentry, tailoring, and others has the notion that, after completion. He or she has to start something to make ends meet. Moreover, this will help to get rid of poverty.

In conclusion, crime and robbery occur when the poor envy the rich, and this problem can tackled by job creation to aid the poor in becoming rich.

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