The Graph Below Shows the Average Monthly Use of Health Clubs in Miami and Florida

The graph below shows the average monthly use of health clubs in Miami and Florida by all full-time members in 2017. The pie charts show the age profile of male and female members of this health club. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The graph below shows the average monthly use of health clubs in Miami and Florida by all full-time members in 2017

The line graph provided information on health club memberships in Miami and Florida, and the pie chart illustrated details about members, such as age and gender, in 2017.

Firstly, there was a drastic increase in men’s memberships, which accounted for 550 to 980 between March and June. After that, there was a slight decrease, and by November, the health club’s members reached 600 members. Moreover, the same pattern was noticed in women’s clubs.

Secondly, A significant proportion of male memberships was taken by 24-45 years old, and a similar percentage of women had members. However, other age groups are seen only 20%and 19% in both genders.

Overall, it is clear that men’s memberships are more comparatively with women. The age group of 24-45 are interested in health club memberships.

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