The Line Graph Below Shows the Production of Paper, Wood Pulp, and Sawn Wood in The UK

The Line graph below shows the production of paper, wood pulp, and sawn wood in the UK from 1980 to 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant.

The Line graph below shows the production of paper, wood pulp, and sawn-wood in the UK from 1980 to 2000.

The line graph delineates the manufacturing of paper, wood pulp, and sawn wood in the UK for 20 years starting from 1980.n general, it is seen that paper and packaging had the highest production whilst sawn-wood gradually declined over the period under review.

In 1980, the production of paper and packaging stood at around 230 million tonnes, and it constantly increased over the next decade to reach 250 000 000 tonnes. A sharp upsurge is then seen from 1990 where it went up by 100 000 000 tonnes to end at 350 million tonnes by the year 2000.

Sawn-wood making started at 200 million tonnes in 1980 then its production plummeted to 150 million tonnes in 1980, and it continued to decline though it was a sow and it ended the year 2000 at around 140 million tonnes.

In the year 1980, wood-pulp production was just above 150 million tonnes, and a slight decrease was noted in the following ten years. In 1990 it was at exactly 150 million tonnes same as the sawn-wood production. It then stayed constantly just above 150 million tonnes, and it competed the year 2000 at that eve.

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