The Pie Charts Below Give Data on The Spending and Consumption of Resources by Countries of The World

The pie charts below give data on the spending and consumption of resources by countries of the world and how the population is distributed. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

The pie charts below give data on the spending and consumption of resources by countries of the world and how the population is distributedSample Answer of The Pie Charts Below Give Data on The Spending and Consumption of Resources by Countries of The World

The provided pie chart illustrates spending and consumption of resources by different lands of the world and distribution of population. Readings are given in percentage.

Overall, The largest population in the world is distributed in Asia. A significant proportion of consumption of resources is done by has and Europe. A significant population of the world spend majorly on others and food.

The spending of the world’s population is done in five different ways. The least spending is on clothing, around 6 per cent. While the major part is spent on other is near 40 percentage and spending on transport, housing and food are 18,12,24 percentage respectively.

Furthermore, a large portion of the world’s population is distributed in Asia, near about 57 per cent. Additionally, Europe and America have second the highest portion of the population that contains 14 per cent for both. Ten per cent of the population is distributed in Africa, nearly 10 per cent. At the same time, the least population distributed in other parts about 8 per cent. Europe and USA consume a major part of resources, around 60 per cent while, others consume only 40 per cent.

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