The table below gives information about a restaurant’s average sales in three different branches in 2016

The table below gives information about a restaurant’s average sales in three different branches in 2016.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.



The table illustrates data about a restaurant’s average business in Vancouver city different streets in the year 2016. The streets ate Georgia, Dunsmuir, and Drake. The branches most popular items are Chicken Burger (Georgia), Chicken Wings (Dunsmuir), and Chicken Pasta (Drake). The overview based on information best sales in branch Georgia Street.

The number of transactions is very high at Georgia street (854) compare to Dunsmuir (750) and Drake (390) streets. The next factor is transaction value very less in Dunsmuir shop ($5.61) and highest value again at Georgia Street ($10.69) as follows Drake Street is $9.02. The table data portrays the Georgia shop is the best sales rather than two branches.

The next factors are the number of eat-in and take away transactions from shops. Georgia Street is 405 and 449 respectively, which is lofty compare to Dunsmuir (358 and 392) and the lowest amount in Drake Street is eat-in 200, and take away is 190. The transactions highest proportion scored Georgia Street expect transaction value factor which is a second position only.

sample answer 2

The given table chart shows average food sales by three Branches of a restaurant in Vancouver in 2016.
854 transactions were done by Vancouver Georgia street restaurant, although 449 transactions were take away transactions and rest were eat in transactions. Average 9129.26 dollars was earned: nevertheless, the Most popular thing in Vancouver Georgia street restaurant was chicken burgers. Chicken wings were preferred at Vancouver Dunsmuir Street restaurant.
358 and 392 transactions were done at Dunsmuir street restaurant eat in transactions and take away transactions respectively, moreover per transaction value was 5.61 dollars. 390 items were sold at Vancouver Drake street restaurant, 200 which of the sale at eat in, and 190 preferred in taking away. Vancouver Drake street restaurant charged 9.02 per items and chicken pasta was eaten by most of the people.
Overall, it is clearly seen that many transactions were done at Vancouver Georgia street and least items sale at Vancouver Drake street. While Dunsmuir street restaurant was the lower rate, a higher rate was charged at Vancouver Georgia street.

this is end of academic writing task 1(The table below gives information about a restaurant’s average sales in three different branches in 2016. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.)

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