The Table Below Shows the Sales at A Small Restaurant in A Downtown Business District

The table below shows the sales at a small restaurant in a downtown business district. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The table below shows the sales at a small restaurant in a downtown business district

The table depicts the information of small-scale restaurant sales in the downtown business district. Besides, the sales are considered during the second week of October month from 7th to 13th.

Overall, it is evident that the sales in the restaurant are huge during Friday dinners when compared to the remaining days in a week, whereas the major sales during lunchtime were on Wednesday. Consequently, most of the sales are during dinner times rather than lunchtime.

From the table, there are varied fluctuations during the week. On Monday, the sale during lunch was almost 2400 dollars, and the dinner sales were 3623 dollars. In the same way, the sales on Tuesday were nearly akin to the Monday sales, approximately 2450 and 3850 dollars. Meanwhile, the sales during afternoon time were rosed slightly to 2595 dollars. Whilst, the evening sales were declined to 3445 dollars.

On the other hand, the Thursday sales during lunchtime were decreased and sales during dinner time were increased slightly. In addition, during Friday the sales were almost reached their peak during evening time which was around 4350 dollars. Furthermore, during weekends the sales were gradually low when compared to the sales during weekdays.

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