Today, Many People Use the Internet and Smartphones to Transfer Money to Friends

Today, Many People Use the Internet and Smartphones to Transfer Money to Friends, Family, and Businesses. Is This a Positive or Negative Development?

Transacting online has become popular these days. Most individuals now prefer using the internet and mobile phone to make transportation. In my opinion, I believe it is a positive development because it is convenient and it helps grow businesses.

Firstly, transferring cash online to family and friends is convenient. In the olden days, people had to either stay in a queue for long hours in the bank or wait for a few weeks to fill out different forms before transferring money. Still, nowadays, individuals can make the transfer in the comfort of their homes, which is less stressful. For instance, an acquaintance whose daughter works in the United Kingdom transferred her hospital bills to her, and she received them immediately. Hence, making transactions online has become so easy and effortless.

Secondly, using a cell phone to send money has really improved people’s Businesses. It helps business owners to improve sales, and this is because individuals can shop for anything they want online and pay immediately. Moreover, some businesses require huge payments, and carrying cash is dangerous in our society these days, so they use the internet for security reasons. For example, armed robbers killed a politician in my country a few years back because he had different currency in his car. Thus, online transaction helps to increase sales.

In conclusion, although transacting online has its own adverse effects, such as one’s password could be exposed to the hacker, I believe it is a positive development because it is easy and helps boost sales.

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