Today’s Schools Should Teach Their Students How to Survive Financially in the World Today.

Today’s schools should teach their students how to survive financially in the world today. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer Today’s Schools Should Teach Their Students How to Survive Financially in the World Today.


Formal institutions, especially schools, play a vital role in shaping the students’ personalities and help them make their future bright by enabling them to get good jobs. Besides teaching academic subjects, community subjects must be taught to them so that pupils can hold their finances well and will not feel any trouble in the foreseeable future. So, I agree that it must be taught to students.

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First off, if community subjects are taught to students and are made aware of using money wisely; then, they will become more responsible. They will not become extravagant and try to save money for the rainy days to help them in their future. For instance, if pupils are taught about money management, they must have practical sessions as there must be a student account where pupils can deposit the amount they have. It doesn’t matter if they say one rupee or ten. Every six months, they must be shown their deposit money. So, this will really motivate them, and they will spend less and will not become spendthrift.

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Moving further, pupils can make their career as an account or auditor. Money not only helps them in their personal life but also assists them in making their career. To exemplify, teachers can assign them jobs to collect a class’s daily necessities like chalk, duster by giving them some money. So pupils will hold their responsibility, and they will spend it when there would be a need for purchasing such items, and they will keep a record of it. Thus, they will be able to manage money at an earlier age. Besides, they value the money, which helps them make the budget of their home. Thus, their step will affect their families too, and their parents will also avoid spending lavishly.

Conclusion :

In conclusion, Schools must plan to spare a few hours in a routine schedule to deliver lessons on money management to make the posterity responsible for handling their finances and flourishing their career.

This is the end of academic and general writing task 2: Today’s schools should teach their students how to survive financially in the world today. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

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