When You Had to Make a Decision to Go Against Your Manager at Work

when you had to make a decision to go against your manager at work

  • What your decision was about?
  • Why you had to make the decision?
  • How you felt after that?
  • and explain what the outcome of this was.

Thanks to give me such an interesting cue card topic. Nowadays, it us becoming more and more tough to do your duty with ease and main our position at job. Because a number of students are completing their education but the number of jobs are becoming less and less.

In this situation, the higher authorities start taking more work from their lower employees just because they have an option to replace them if they make any excuse. It also happen in our company where I worked as a salesman. I would like to share this briefly with you.

It was about a 8 months ago I was working in a refrigerator company as a salesman of which revenue was going down and down daily. So, they have started increasing pressure on salesman by increasing our monthly targets. But actually no-one was actually feeling the main reason of decreasing revenue. Actually it was due to the quality of products which was becoming bad and the service facility of company also becoming bad day by day.

Instead of taking some steps in these things, they increased our monthly targets. Due to its bad quality, even we didn’t able to sell their products according to the previous targets. So, we all decided to concern this factor with the manager and tell them what we have to do to make the situation fine.

We went to a manager to take their some time so that we could talk on our and company’s problems. we shared all these concern with him and ask to reduce our target. He told us to wait for 2 days to let him concern it with higher authorities. We all thought that higher authorities will never accept our idea but they finally accepted it.

Not only this, our idea really increased their revenue and they finally realize that sometimes they have to take decisions from their lower employees as they have practical and field experience with their products.

Describe a place in another country where you would like to work

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