Write a Letter to The Local Council About the Closure of A Playground in Your Area

Write a letter to the local council about the closure of a playground in your area because children don’t use it much.

In the letter, you should tell:

  • why many children won’t use it?
  • how is the playground important for children?
  • give some suggestions on how to increase the playground’s usage?

Dear sir,

I am one of the residents of our city, and I live near the polo ground. I am writing this letter to show my concern about the playground.

I genuinely feel that the ground is now needed some changes. The surface of it is very uneven. While playing cricket, children face so many problems, and the same happens with other games. The playground is one of the crucial things nowadays. There are not many grounds available for kids. This is only one area where they come to play.

There should be some changes like you can create a sports complex where all the games can be played easily with a separate area. So that one benefit can be added that no one gets interpreted with another game. As well, if the place becomes playable more, Ane more children can be attracted.

Hope you like my thoughts. Waiting for your prompt reply.

Yours faithfully

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