You Have Been Invited to Speak at Your Old High School

You have been invited to speak at your old high school. Write to the school. In your letter

  • Make a suggestion about what you could speak about.
  • Find out how long you will need to speak.
  • Ask how many people will be there.

Dear Sir,

I hope this letter finds you in radiant health. I was completely surprised to receive an invitation as a speaker from the same High school from where I graduated in the past. I would like to accept the invitation, and in this letter, I will explain some details about the speech I am going to make during the cultural event to which I am invited.

At present, it is evident the amount of confusion students go through because of peer pressure from both friends and family for their careers. Hence, I have planned to guide teenagers about career choices. Most parents and students generally select careers based on rumours they see or hear from their neighbourhood or family relatives, which cannot be trusted, in my opinion. In my speech, I will provide some concrete details on all the careers they could select from, along with the practical scenarios, salary range, workload, and hard work required to achieve the same.

However, To plan my speech precisely and appropriately, I would need information about the schedule of the program and the amount of time I would be allotted for the speech during the event so that I can prepare my speech accordingly. Once I have the details, I can try to include maximum career options and work opportunities in my lecture according to the time slot I provided.

Moreover, I would also like to know the bench strength of the people attending the program and whether or not parents will attend the event. I need this information because if parents are present, I can motivate them to choose a career which lines with the child’s interest for a better and successful future.

Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone at the high school who thought of inviting me to speak at such an important school event, and I will be waiting eagerly for the requested information.

Yours sincerely,

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