You Have Completed the Course and Received a Certificate

You have completed the course and received a certificate, but you lost it on the way back. Write a letter to the Principal of the college. In your letter, you should tell:

  • how you lost the certificate
  • why you need it
  • what you expect the principal to do.

Sample Answer of You Have Completed the Course and Received a Certificate

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to seek your assistance in reissuing the certificate of successful completion of a one-year Diploma in the French language that I had lost while commuting via public transport.

As it was a gala day for me to obtain a certificate from you after stringing hard in this course. I could wait no more to show it to my mother so I immediately boarded the bus and it was in my hand. I felt sleepy and I thought during sleep, it must have fallen from my hand.

I need it badly due to the upcoming interview for the post of a language teacher only two days are left for the interview.

I would like you to re-issue me the certificate for my future job; without it, I would not be able to get my desired job for which I enrolled in your college. I hope you would consider my regularity, participation as well as attentiveness during this course and will provide it to me in time.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Faithfully,

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