You Live in a Room in the College Hostel Which Has Several Problems

You live in a room in the college hostel which has several problems. You would like to move into another room and need your hostel super’s permission for that. Write a letter to the hostel super. In your letter,

Introduce yourself
Describe your problems
Explain what type of room you would prefer

Dear Sir or Madam,

I, Dhwanil Dave, am currently studying at Brampton University and residing in the college hostel. The purpose of this letter is to inform you about some serious issues I am facing with allocated accommodation. I hope you will be considerate about the circumstances.

Let me tell you in more detail. As you already know that winter is just around the corner; however, the heater in my room malfunctioned a couple of weeks ago. Additionally, the window is badly jammed, due to which I am not able to close it. Though I raised these concerns to the floor manager a month ago, I am still waiting for the resolution.

Being a final years student, I have weekly exams starting from the next month. Thus, I request you to intervene here, and it would be great if you could assign me a room on the third floor where rooms are newly constructed, and heaters are working appropriately. Would you please let me know if you need more information on this?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
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