You read news about someone whom you know personally. you found some information is wrong

You read news about someone whom you know personally. you found some information is wrong. write a letter to the editor to inform about it.

In your letter

 1-  what is the news about?

 2-  what is wrong with it?

 3-  what do you expect from the editor to do?

Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear …………………,

sample answer:

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this to bring into your notice a mistake your newspaper has committed while printing an article about my close friend Mr.Gurudev, the Manger of the yoga hub.
To accomplish you with more details, I am a daily reader of your newspaper, The frontline, and do follow the health tips regularly as I am a health freak. Owing to above in yesterday’s publishing The health column news gained my attention and was thoroughly disappointed to know that u have mentioned Mr. Gurudev as the trainer of yoga hub for 3 years whereas he is been in the professional training of yoga more than 10 years.
The frontline media being a reputed source of information could not afford to do such irresponsible oversight as the subscribers will be misled with this piece of news. Mr. Gurudev is a  close acquaintance of mine since 15 years and cannot digest that his fame an name is being tarnished in such a way, It would be appreciated if you could re correct and print the correct news again in you daily paper once again as it would be beneficial to you as well as him. anticipating a positive reply.
Yours sincerely
Heena Kochhar

This is the end of general writing task 1: ( You read news about someone whom you know personally. you found some information is wrong. write a letter to the editor to inform about it.)

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1 thought on “You read news about someone whom you know personally. you found some information is wrong”

  1. Dear Sir,

    I am writing this letter to bring your kind attention regarding the information which was published in your daily newspaper on yesterday.

    You printed a news about Mr. Prince Mark who has received 96% in 12th CBSE exam and proud of being on second rank position from our small town in the state. On last day, 12th science students result was published by the central educational department. I read this information on page number 4 in local news column along with other student’s scores from our town.

    I would like to inform you that the information you published on your newspaper was not right. The surname you mention was wrong. The correct surname is Mr. Prince Lark. The wrong information is not acceptable and it should be correct.

    I want your editor staffs to change it immediately and publish correct information on tomorrow newspaper again. The change in surname means a lot for readers and the person himself and readers will consider another student. To avoid this misrepresentation, I would like you to take initiative.

    I look forward to hearing from you,

    Yours Truly,


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