You Want to Recommend Someone to Work in a Company: Gt Writing


p style=”text-align: justify;”>You want to recommend someone to work in a company. Write a letter to the manager. In the letter, you should tell:

  • who the person is
  • how did you know the person
  • the working experience of the person?
  • why do you recommend the person?

Dear sir,

I am krutika, a senior executive in the billing department. There is a requirement for another billing person. So I am writing this letter to suggest the name of one of my friends.

I am talking about one of my colleagues who was working with me in my previous job. I know him very well. He is a very good person. He has work experience of a total of 7 years in the billing department. He can handle all the tuff tasks very easily. He is always ready to work in any conditions. He never bothers with anything.

I am recommending this person as I know him and I have seen his work. The attitude towards work is forcing me to give his name to you.

Hope you consider my suggestion

Yours faithfully,

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