You Were Going to Start a Job Next Month, but You Will Not Be Able To

You were going to start a job next month, but you will not be able to. Write a letter to your future employer. In your letter

  • explain the situation.
  • describe your problem(s).
  • tell them when you can start work.

Dear Sir,

I am highly overwhelmed to acquire a job in your prestigious organisation. However, I would like to write this letter to inform you that I won’t be able to join the company next month. I was looking forward to doing the same, but unfortunately, I cannot do so due to unavoidable circumstances. The reason being that My grandfather has suddenly fallen ill and has requested us to be by his side that I cannot deny for which I need to travel to my country accompanying my mother on her trip.

I know it is inappropriate, but I humbly request you to please allow me to join a month later than the actual joining date. Given a chance, I promise to serve the company in the best way possible.

I am looking forward to a positive response from your side.

Thank you,

With regards,

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