Your Child Is Going on A Trip to Another Country for Three Days: GT Writing

Your child is going on a trip to another country for three days. The school is looking for some parents who can join the journey, and you decided to apply. You are interested in going on the trip. Write a letter to the head of the school and include the following:

  • Why do you want to join the team?
  • What can you do to assist?
  • Queries related to the trip.

Dear Sir,

I hope this letter finds you in radiant health. This is Shreya Thakkar, Saini’s mother, an 8th-grade student at your school. I am writing to apply for the trip organised by the school in which some parents can also join.

Saini told me that the school is planning a trip to Canada for the first time and wants help from some parents if they could come along. I like the idea, and am good with children; hence, I would like to apply. Besides this, I worked as a teacher a few years ago, and I understand the weight of responsibilities on teachers’ shoulders when they have to manage the whole class on the trip.

I have good management skills and can help organise groups of children and their mentors during the trip. Moreover, I have done a course in which I learned basic first aid, so if, by chance, anyone gets injured during the journey, I can handle it.

At last, I would like to request you to clear some doubts regarding the trip. Firstly, are we taking our cook with us or will food arrangements be from Canada only and I hope vegetarian options are available? Furthermore, as I have never visited Canada before, I don’t know which clothes are more suitable for the weather, so please provide some guidance.

I was hoping to hear from you soon. Saini and I are excited about this trip.

Yours sincerely,

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