A Friend of Yours Is Considering Applying for The Same Course You Did at University

A friend of yours is considering applying for the same course you did at university. He/she has asked for your advice about studying this subject. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,

  • Give details of the course you took at the university.
  • Explain why you recommend the university.
  • Give some advice about how to apply.

Dear Robin,

How are you? It’s been a long time since we met. I am happy to know that now you’ve made up your mind to study. My happiness knew no bounds when I read your letter to guide you in taking the same course I had learned during my research.

Let me tell you that it was a diploma course in psychology. As you know, I had a great flair for understanding human psychology; therefore, it enticed me more. The most exciting thing is the practical session, which goes for six months. During these six months, candidates get a chance to work under a famous psychiatrist to enhance their experience.

Furthermore, I would like to recommend ABC university because it is a stone’s throw from your town. Moreover, the fee is reasonable, and this university has easy access to books, the internet and expensive psychological test. Besides, you had opted for psychology as an additional subject in your senior secondary class. Therefore, you will get weightage in getting a seat there.

Please apply online. You need to download the form online, fill it out, and send it to the university. Besides, you need to make a draft of Rs 1000 to ensure your seat, which is refundable. Do hurry to avail this opportunity.

If you need help, call my friend, who is working there. I have sent his number to your phone.

Yours Loving,

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