A Traditional Meal That You Prepare in Your Country on Special Occasions

A Traditional Meal That You Prepare in Your Country on Special Occasions

  • what it is
  • how you prepare it
  • what ingredients are used to prepare it
  • and explain why you enjoy it.

Sample Answer of A Traditional Meal That You Prepare in Your Country on Special Occasions

Thanks to give me such an interesting cue card topic. India has its huge history. There was number traditions followed by a wide communities. And their meals are also far different than each others. Similarly, Punjab has also its tradition meals which we make mostly at ant occasion. I would like to talk about it briefly.

The most traditional meal of us is a kheer, which is traditional but still popular in all over Punjab. Now, its popularity is spreading all over the world. It is a sweet dish which is made by rice, milk, sugar, and some dry fruits. Dry fruits are optional in this as we can add it according to our choice. It feels so delicious in taste as everyone want to have it at least 2 times.

It is so popular due to its relic taste. I am sure no one ignore it once he taste it in his life. Every festival, occasion and marriage party, it is served as a sweet dessert. Due to its large consumption, a company named Verka has started selling kheer product. Their revenue of this product never get down and they have a lot of earning through this product. Nowadays, the life becomes more tough as no-one has a time to cook food. So, people have started this product because it is so delicious, available in cheap prices and so there is no need to wait for this item as it is already stored in bakery stores. I am sure with a short span of time, it will definitely be popular in foreign countries too.

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