Accommodation & Weather IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Accommodation & Weather IELTS Speaking part 1 Questions With Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Accommodation & Weather IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Question 1:- Do you live in a house or a flat?

Answer:- I live alone, in a small house, just a room and a kitchen, bathroom and loo, it is not so spacious, but it is comfortable because my properties fit in perfectly and my apartment is not far from town. My compound is well secured, and there is constant light and water supply for about 20hrs daily.

Question 2:- Is it a big place?

Answer:- It is not really big but sizable; at least I live alone with no roommates, so nobody to share my space with.

Question 3:- How long have you lived there?

Answer:- I moved in last January, so I’ve been living here for approximately a year and 9 months now. I do not have plans to get another apartment because my room is very comfortable, and the environment is neat and well-coordinated.

Question 4:- What do you like about living there?

Answer:- I like the fact that the roads are motorable, it’s close to the market and my office, my neighbours are warm and friendly, and the rent is quite affordable.

Question 5:- Is there a garden in the place you live in?

Answer:- Yes, there’s a small garden here, but it belongs to my landlady, she loves to grow her vegetables herself, and there are always fresh and ready for consumption. I will love to own a house with a garden someday.

Question 6:- Do you prefer hot weather or cold?

Answer:- I think I prefer cold weather, and this is because I get so uneasy when I sweat; it makes me so uncomfortable such that my skin starts irritating me; in this situation, I can only feel better after a cold shower at home. 

Question 7:- Tell me about the weather in your country at different times of the year?

Answer:- The weather is generally cool, I live in the capital, and it’s mostly dry; most farmers resort to irrigation systems during farming seasons. It rains more in the Southern and Western regions, and these regions experience so much flood than the Northern region. The northern region then gets cold and dry during the harmattan season, especially the yuletide. 

Question 8:- Which time of the year did you enjoy the most when you were a child?

Answer:-  I think I enjoyed the harmattan season because it was usually cold and there was no rain to stop me from enjoying the yuletide with family and friends. Even to date, it’s still my favourite time of the year. I always look forward to Christmas.

Question 9:- Do you (usually) pay attention to the weather forecasts?

Answer:- No, on a normal day, I do not pay attention to forecasts because nothing stops me from going out. Even when it is raining, I will always find a way if necessary.

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