Average Distance in Miles Travelled per Person per Year, by Mode of Travel: Writing Task 1

Average Distance in Miles Travelled per Person per Year, by Mode of Travel. Describe the information about the average distance travelled per person by different modes of transport given in the below chart in at least 150 words: WRITING TASK 1 

Describe the information in the table and make comparisons where appropriate.

Sample: Average Distance in Miles Travelled per Person per Year, by Mode of Travel

The table depicts data about the average distance travelled by individuals in 2001 and 2006 by different modes of transport.

Overall, miles travelled in 2006 was higher as compared to 2001. The modes of transport which became more popular in 2006 were the car, train, local distance bus and taxi; whilst, Local bus lost their popularity more in 2001.

From 2001 to 2006, the use of walking and bicycle as a mode of transport declined by only around 10-15 miles. However, local bus use decreased significantly from 2001 to 2006 ( 429 to 247 miles).

Car transport increased by more than 1500 miles in 2006 than in 2001. The use of distant local buses also increased by more than doubled in 2006. Train transport reached 366 miles in the later year whereas 239 miles in the former.

The use of taxis for travelling increased more than triple in 2006. Other modes of transport use also became popular in 2006. The total miles travelled in 2006 was 6475 miles, whilst the unlimited miles travelled by individuals in 2001 was 4740.

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