You Attended a Meeting Last Week but Were Unhappy with The Hotel in Which You Stayed

You attended a meeting last week but were unhappy with the hotel you stayed in. Write a letter to the organizer who booked the hotel for you. In your letter, you should say:-

  • What were the problems?
  • What did you not like about the hotel?
  • What do you want the organizer to do?

Sample: You Attended a Meeting Last Week but Were Unhappy with The Hotel in Which You Stayed

Dear Sir,

I am Ramanpreet Kaur, a resident of 4324c, Bathinda. I am working in HDFC Bank in the NRI branch. I am writing this letter to express dissatisfaction with your company’s booking arrangements.

To commence with, all the details regarding my accommodation and meals were sent to you through email in advance, including the transportation, such as a cab to pick me up from Delhi International Airport to the respective hotel. Nevertheless, to my surprise, when I reached the airport, no taxi or cab was there which was booked in my name. Then I called you so many times, but your contact number was unavailable. Not only did I take a cab at my own expense, but I also faced difficulty in finding the hotel. After approximately one hour, I reached the hotel and went to the booked room on the 4th floor, and I found that the lift was not working.

Apart from this, there was no facility or wifi as well as a heater in the room in this freezing climate. As a result, I suffered from coughing and sneezing all night. It was worse when I found that my food was served with non-vegetarian food. Being a vegetarian, I strictly mentioned that food needs to be vegetarian. The service quality of the food could be much better.

Moreover, I would like the concerned authorities to cross-check all customers’ requirements to build your organization’s quality level. I will be looking forward to the appropriate action from your side.

Yours faithfully,

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