The Chart Below Shows Multi-Year Expenses (in $ Million) in The Same Nation on Five Different Items

The Chart Below Shows Multi-Year Expenses (in $ Million) in The Same Nation on Five Different Items

The chart below shows multi-year expenses (in $ million) in the same nation on five different items in 18 (in 2010 and 2014). Look at the data and try to select and announce where the important highlights are. That chart illustrates the expenditure (in $ million) of several years of a country on price-distinct commodities … Read more

The Table Shows Data About Underground Railway Systems in Six Major Cities with Data Opened

The Table Shows Data About Underground Railway Systems in Six Major Cities with Data Opened

The table shows data about underground railway systems in six major cities with data opened, kilometres of route and passenger numbers per year in millions. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. The given table depicts information about the underground railway station of the six different big … Read more

Frequency of Eating at Fast Food Restaurants in the USA (2003-2013)

Frequency of Eating at Fast Food Restaurants in the USA (2003-2013)

Frequency of Eating at Fast Food Restaurants in the USA (2003-2013). Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. The given bar graph depicts information about the average rate of eating fast food restaurants in the USA during the period of 2003 to 2013. Overall, it is seen … Read more

A Friend of Yours Is Considering Applying for The Same Course You Did at University

A Friend of Yours Is Considering Applying for The Same Course You Did at University

A friend of yours is considering applying for the same course you did at university. He/she has asked for your advice about studying this subject. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, Give details of the course you took at the university. Explain why you recommend the university. Give some advice about how … Read more