Describe a subject you didn’t like when you were at school but now you find interesting

Describe a subject you didn’t like when you were at school but now you find interesting

Although I belong to a nuclear family that consists of 3 members my father, mother and myself and both of my parents are very much educated. 

Even though by the grace of the God, I pursued my nursery till matriculation from the reputed school in my hometown known as Mount Carmel that is affiliated to ICSE  stream. Though I still remember in my whole schooling career, I have got a lot of subjects more likely English, silence, Drawing computer and history as well. And I love all of them But the subject that was never my favorite was mathematics. 

Unluckily whenever I attend the Mathematics classes, I always felt scary and boring. And because of that, I usually pass with fewer marks. 

Certainly, I always get puzzles because of the numerous difficulties in mathematics. More likely those were counting, additions subtractions, multiplication and divisions as well. and really algebra and trigonometry and statistics really give me hard time. 

Gradually as I grow up in the matriculation, I have some extra school tuitions after school time from the reputated tutors in my hometown to happily passed my matriculation. Luckily after all that efforts, I passed my matriculation with good grades. And it was the happiest moment of my life. 

Lovingly nowadays, I am pursuing my high school or bachelors or masters and I regularly received numerous lectures from skilled professors in the interesting methods. So, I think it is going to be very much useful and interesting for me in the future. Eventually sometimes when I go for shopping to supermarkets, malls, and banks, I can easily use the counting skills over there without any help of gadgets or calculators And happily nowadays, sometimes I provide the training of mathematics to my niece and nephews and my neighbors or my juniors.

Gratefully nowadays, I am very much interest in it because the demand of the mathematics is very much high nowadays. In the future, I want to choose the profession in mathematics as well. Math was the subject that I did not like at school but nowadays I find it very much interesting.  

Some developing countries invite large foreign companies to open offices and factories in order to help their economy. However, others feel that foreign companies should be shut out and instead the government should help the local companies to contribute to the economic growth. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Describe a subject you didn’t like when you were at school but now you find Describe a subject you didn’t like when you were at school but now you find Describe a subject you didn’t like when you were at school but now you find Describe a subject you didn’t like when you were at school but now you find

Describe a subject you didn't like when you were at school but now you find


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