Describe a Tall Building in Your Hometown You Like or Dislike

Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike.

  • Where this building is?
  • What it looks like?
  • What it is used for?
  • And explain why you like or dislike this building.

Our city is so advanced πŸŒ†. The infrastructure of our city has become so beautiful, and many skyscrapers have been built in our city πŸ—οΈ. But I would like to talk about a big mall in our city.

The name of this mall is Mittal Mall 🏒. It is situated near the railway station πŸš‰. Its design has been inspired by foreign architecture, giving it a different look compared to other skyscrapers.

Its exterior and interior are so beautiful, and it offers a number of things available at one place. Hence, people do not need to wander around the city as they can accomplish all their needs in one place πŸ›οΈ.

Moreover, it is well maintained with air conditioners and is situated near the railway station, so people coming from different cities spend their waiting time here while relaxing or taking some beverages β˜•.

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There are other facilities available too, along with cosmetics and fashion hubs, like horror houses, eating points, children’s parks, and cinema halls, etc. πŸŽ’πŸ”πŸŽ¬.

According to me, it is the best place for everyone as it offers almost all facilities at one place at affordable prices πŸ’Έ. Due to these facilities, it has gained huge popularity in our city 🌟.

1 thought on “Describe a Tall Building in Your Hometown You Like or Dislike”

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