Describe a Time when You Had to Go to A Hospital or See a Doctor

Describe a time when you had to go to a Hospital or see a Doctor

  • What was wrong with you?
  • How did you feel at that time?
  • What happened at the hospital or Doctor’s chamber?
  • and explain what treatment you were given to help you get better.

No one in their life wants to go to a hospital 🏥. There are two main reasons for avoiding visits to the hospital. First, everyone is busy in their lives and they don’t want to waste their valuable time on any disease 🕒.

Second, there are some people who fear going to the hospital and taking bitter medicines 💊. No matter how I am feeling, I would never like to go to the hospital or see a doctor.

Unfortunately, once in my life, I had to go to the hospital. At that time, I felt extremely cold and it became more problematic with each passing day.

After two days of enduring, I decided to visit the doctor because it started interfering with my daily activities. I went to the hospital for a checkup. I took an appointment and met with a doctor.

He examined me and asked several questions, through which he discovered that I have an allergy to ice cream 🍦. This cold was also a result of it, because I had eaten ice cream just a day before the cold symptoms began.

Then, the doctor handed a slip to his nurse and instructed her to give me the appropriate medicine and some tips to keep my body healthy. The nurse read the slip and gave me a bottle of syrup along with some tablets.

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She advised me to take it three times a day and provided me with a diet chart to improve my health 📋. The prescribed medicine and advice were incredibly helpful for me as they assisted greatly in overcoming the cold. Additionally, the doctor’s friendly behavior significantly reduced my fear of going to the hospital.

2 thoughts on “Describe a Time when You Had to Go to A Hospital or See a Doctor”

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