Describe a Time You Had to Learn the Words of Something (E.g. A Poem or a Song) and Then Say or Sing It From Memory

Describe a time you had to learn the words of something (e.g. a poem or a song) and then say or sing it from memory. You should say:

  • Where you were
  • Who was listening to you
  • What you had to say or sing,
  • And explain how you felt about saying or singing something you had learned.

I would like to talk about a poem I learned in ad way back then in my Secondary school as a literature student. I was in class five back then, a penultimate class to the final one. We were preparing for a promotional exam then however, memorizing that particular poem was one of the cumulative scores for the exam.

The poetry was given to us by the teacher in charge which we were to take home and learn within 24 hours. On the following day, we have gathered together in our usual class together with our teacher and some other classes’ representatives as observant. My class was made up of fifty-two students and I happened to be the first person on the list according to the alphabetical order. Meanwhile, according to the arrangement we were to be called upon one by one. In respect of that, I was invited to the front for my memorization on Life as a Walking train.

As I got outside, I started by greeting everyone while I started reading offhand but when I got to line fifteen of the forty-five lines poem I got lost completely for almost eight minutes. Being, a brilliant student, my tutor began to shout at me thus: see your life, you know nothing again. That alone added more salt to my sore. As the teacher asked me to go back to my seat I pleaded to give him a second chance, he did but reluctantly. Behold! I started all over again and I did not pause nor murmur till I finished the poem.

It was a great day and a memory that I could not forget in hurry. The ovation was very loud from everyone in the classroom. I felt greatly fulfilled and delighted that day because the teacher later invited me to his office and gave me some cash as a gift. Fortunately, the poem lives on in my memory.

Follow-Up Questions Describe a time you had to learn the words of something (e.g. a poem or a song) and then say or sing it from memory. You should say:

Question 1:- Why do you think it’s true that most young children enjoy learning songs and poems?

This is so because children like to learn new things even apart from songs and poems. Meanwhile, tender age is a stage at which the brain can easily learn anything that comes its way. They enjoy learning something new because they can easily absorb anything at a young age.

Question 2:- Do you think it’s easier to remember the words to something as a child and more difficult when we become adults?

It is easier to recollect the word to something as a child compared to when you become hold as an adult because the younger ones don’t have many things to think about, unlike an adult who thinks about many things to achieve. For example, an adult would think of family, works, feedings and lots more however, this is not so for the younger ones. All they spend much time on is their studies.

Question 3:- Do you think learning songs and poems is a waste of time?

No! I disagree with that, learning a song or a people is a very advantageous thing because one, it keeps our brain refreshed, two it keeps people busy during their leisure time instead of wasting the time. Learning these things is a way of giving the grace to fall among the learned ones.

Question 4:- How practical is it for younger students to learn facts about the world (e.g. dates in history)?

This is practicable but difficult to accept because it is a history not what we witnessed by ourselves. Younger students can easily learn these days in history but rhetorically, they would be asking themselves perhaps if it is real or not.

Question 5:- Are there any techniques that schoolchildren can use to remember new information more easily?

Definitely, there is. The state of technology now makes it easier even for schoolchildren to recollect new information. For instance, nearly all the mobile phones have recording device which can grant them to record any update around them. In addition to that, they can go on the internet to search better for any new information.

Question 6:- How important do you think it is to teach young students to find and check information for themselves?

It is very important to teach the students how to search for information independently because there comes a period that they would be alone at the same time needed to solve an issue. Having learned how to find a solution will be beneficial at a moment like that.

Question 7:- Talk about the value of knowledge?

Knowledge is an investable possession, it makes one stand out among the multitude, it commands respect to the possessor. Value of it is the best thing that can happen to a man. Knowledge in the real sense is of two facets, both the natural one and the acquired one through education. The value of both is a great thing.

Question 8:- Do you think it’s a good idea to use public money for funding museums?

There are many benefits attached to the museum. One, it is an avenue to keep the historical values of a particular place. Two, it is a means of generating funds into the purse of the government. In view of these and many other reasons, it is a good thing to spend public fund on museum.

Question 9:- Do you think it is true that each generation must depend on the knowledge passed on from previous generations?

No! not really. As the generation goes and a generation comes so also the new development and new knowledge revolve. It is never an ideal thing for a generation to base their reasoning on a previous idea, else, the new generation will remain archaic.

Question 10:- Which would benefit society more, more people with a piece of broad general knowledge or more people with specialized knowledge?

More people with a piece of broad general knowledge will be more beneficial to the society than the specialized king of knowledge. The reason is that; diversification will be easier when one needs to engage in an assignment. There will not be a delay in carrying out some necessary assignments when some are not available to do that.

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