Describe an Advertisement That You Don’t Like

Describe an advertisement that you don’t like

  • When did you see it?
  • What is it about?
  • Where you saw it/how you came to know about it?
  • Why you didn’t like it

Sample Answer of Describe an Advertisement That You Don’t Like

I recall an advertisement that I found to be distasteful and offensive. I came across this advertisement on YouTube while watching a makeup tutorial video a few weeks ago. The advertisement was for a skin whitening cream that claimed to lighten dark spots and even out skin tone. The ad featured before-and-after photos of individuals who had allegedly used the cream and had lighter and brighter skin. The ad also had a tagline that read, “Get lighter skin and look beautiful!”

I found this advertisement to be highly problematic and insensitive. Firstly, the ad promoted harmful and negative body image ideals by suggesting that individuals need to have lighter skin to be considered beautiful or attractive. This perpetuates the notion that darker skin tones are undesirable, which can lead to a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem. Secondly, the ad promoted colorism, which is a form of discrimination based on skin color. By suggesting that individuals with lighter skin are more beautiful, the ad reinforced harmful and discriminatory stereotypes that are prevalent in many societies.

Overall, I found this advertisement to be unethical and harmful. It promoted unrealistic and harmful beauty standards and perpetuated harmful stereotypes that can have a detrimental impact on individuals’ mental and emotional well-being. As consumers, we should be critical of the advertisements we see and ensure that we don’t fall for false or harmful claims.

Follow ups Describe an Advertisement That You Don’t Like
Question 1 What are the most popular and least popular apps in your country?

Answer – In India, popular apps include social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, as well as video streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. Apps such as Paytm and Google Pay are also widely used for digital payments. While it is challenging to pinpoint specific least popular apps, it can be due to lack of awareness, adoption or inability to compete with established apps.

Question 2 What the difference between the internet and the TV?
Answer –The internet and TV differ in several ways. The internet is an interactive and dynamic platform that enables users to access a vast amount of information, communicate with others, and engage in various activities. TV, on the other hand, is a one-way broadcast medium that offers limited interaction and is primarily used for entertainment and information purposes. While both the internet and TV can offer access to various forms of content, the internet provides a more diverse and personalized experience, while TV is more passive and predetermined.

Question 3 What the difference between the internet and the TV?

Answer – The internet and TV differ in several ways. The internet is an interactive and dynamic platform that enables users to access a vast amount of information, communicate with others, and engage in various activities. TV, on the other hand, is a one-way broadcast medium that offers limited interaction and is primarily used for entertainment and information purposes. While both the internet and TV can offer access to various forms of content, the internet provides a more diverse and personalized experience, while TV is more passive and predetermined.

Question 4 Why do some people like to read news on the internet instead of getting it from TV?

Answer – Some people prefer to read news on the internet instead of watching it on TV due to the convenience and flexibility offered by online news sources. With the internet, individuals can access news anytime and anywhere, without being tied to a specific schedule or location. Additionally, online news sources often offer a wider range of perspectives and opinions, as well as more in-depth analysis and multimedia content. Furthermore, online news sources can be customized based on individual preferences and interests, making the experience more personalized.

Question 5 Are libraries still beneficial? Why or why not?

Answer – Libraries are still beneficial in many ways, as they provide access to a wide range of resources, including books, research materials, and digital content. They also serve as a space for community engagement, hosting events, and programs that promote learning and literacy. Furthermore, libraries offer a safe and quiet environment for studying and research, which can be helpful for students, researchers, and professionals. Despite the availability of digital resources, libraries continue to play a vital role in promoting literacy, education, and knowledge-sharing in communities around the world.

Question 6 What kinds of people still like to go to the library to study?

Answer – People of all ages and backgrounds still like to go to the library to study. Students of all levels, including elementary, high school, and college, often utilize library resources for studying and research. Professionals, such as writers, researchers, and educators, may also use the library as a quiet and productive workspace. Additionally, community members who may not have access to other study spaces, such as a home or office, may rely on the library as a reliable and safe space for studying and learning. Overall, the library remains an essential resource for many individuals seeking to expand their knowledge and develop their skills.

Question 7 What is difference between the old and young in regards to internet use?

Answer – There is a noticeable difference in internet use between old and young people. The younger generation tends to be more tech-savvy and comfortable with digital technology, using the internet for a wide range of activities, including socializing, entertainment, and online learning. On the other hand, older people may be less familiar with digital technology, and their use of the internet may be limited to basic activities such as email and internet searches. However, there is a growing trend of older people embracing technology, particularly as it enables them to stay connected with family and friends, access important information, and engage in online activities.

Question 8 Can internet help children in their study?

Answer – Yes, the internet can help children in their studies in numerous ways. It provides access to a vast range of educational resources, including e-books, research papers, and online courses, which can help children learn and acquire new knowledge. Additionally, the internet can be used to access online tutoring services, connect with educators and peers, and collaborate on projects. Moreover, interactive educational websites and games can help make learning fun and engaging for children, promoting their overall academic development. By using the internet as a tool for learning, children can access a world of educational resources that were previously unavailable, helping them achieve academic success.

Question 9 Will downloading music or movies for free cause a problem?

Answer – Downloading music or movies for free can cause several problems, both legal and ethical. Many online platforms that offer free downloads of copyrighted content may be engaging in piracy, which is illegal and can result in hefty fines or even criminal charges. Furthermore, downloading such content without paying for it deprives the creators of their rightful earnings and can damage the industry. Moreover, downloading from unofficial sources may also expose users to viruses and other security risks, which can compromise their devices and personal data. Therefore, it is always advisable to pay for legitimate sources of music or movies and avoid downloading from unofficial sources.

Question 10 Some people say that different age groups have different tastes on the internet content. What do you think?

Answer – I agree that different age groups have different tastes in internet content. Younger generations tend to prefer content that is visually engaging and interactive, such as social media, video streaming, and gaming. Older age groups, on the other hand, may have more interest in news, educational content, and online forums related to their hobbies or interests. Furthermore, different age groups may also have varying levels of comfort and familiarity with technology, affecting their preferences for internet content. It is important for content creators and providers to understand these differences in preferences to cater to their audience effectively.

Question 11 What influence can (or  does) the internet have on children?

Answer – The internet can have a significant influence on children, both positive and negative. On one hand, it can provide access to a vast range of educational resources, online courses, and interactive games that can help children learn and develop their skills. It can also be a platform for communication and socialization, allowing children to connect with peers and family members across the globe. However, the internet can also expose children to inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and other online risks. It is crucial for parents and caregivers to monitor their children’s internet usage, educate them about online safety, and encourage responsible and mindful use of the internet. Overall, the influence of the internet on children depends on how it is used and how effectively parents and caregivers manage and guide their children’s online experiences.
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