Describe an Invention that Has Changed People’s Life

Describe an Invention that Has Changed People’s Life

  • What It Is?
  • Who Invented It?
  • When It Was Invented?
  • And Explain how It Changed People’s Life. 

There are numerous inventions that have been made in the last two decades, such as the invention of the computer 🖥️, aeroplane ✈️, medical advancements 🏥, and automobiles 🚗, etc.

However, the invention of the mobile phone 📱 has completely changed the entire world. I would like to share briefly about it with you.

Nowadays, everyone is using mobile phones for several purposes. We can call anyone, anytime, and from anywhere in the world, and can talk to them no matter how far we are from him/her.

This is widely considered the greatest achievement because, before the invention of the mobile phone, we did not have any means by which we could communicate with anyone from any location.

Back then, it was necessary to have the person close to you if you wanted to make a conversation with them. Not only this, but the mobile phone has also replaced letter services, as we can send any kind of message to anyone in just one click, and they will receive your message instantly. As we know, we had to wait for more than 5 days to transfer our message to any known person before.

Nowadays, the mobile phone has become an integral and indispensable part of human life. People now use mobile phones to entertain themselves, such as by listening to songs 🎵, watching and making videos 🎥, surfing social websites via the internet 🌐, and so on.

It is highly beneficial for older persons, but nowadays, the younger generation has started using it extensively. It helps to boost everyone’s business, as anyone can easily manage their business by talking to their employees through a mobile phone, whether they are in the company or not.

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According to me, the mobile phone has given our world a new life, and work has started being completed in a smarter way. However, we have to be aware of its negative consequences, as people are also becoming addicted to it.

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