Describe a shop that recently opened in your hometown/area

Describe a shop that recently opened in your hometown/area

  • What type of shop it is?
  • What type of people go there?
  • What it sells?
  • and explain whether you will shop there or not. 

Thank you for giving me such an interesting topic. As our house is situated near to the market, there are number of shops available near to my house. But recently, a hairdresser shop has been opened near to my house.

The shop name is Hair hacker. It has opened at the left side of my house. They have done their shop’s interior work so beautifully. People of all ages need to cut their hair. So, every age of person come here. But as they are so professional in their work, they provide special options of hairstyles to youngsters.

Almost every youngster of my city has started cutting his hair from this saloon as they have vast knowledge of beautician and hairstyles. They are three partners at one shop who I never saw sit free anytime. Customers are coming here after getting an appointment. Because the quality and design of hair style cannot be met from anywhere which they are giving to their customers.

At first, he became wonder that how they have become so much popular in whole the city within a short period of time. To figure out the truth, I visited their shop. Their servant first offered me a glass of water and them gave me a list of hair styles. There was 20 different beautiful hairstyle.

I chose my type of hairstyle and they gave me my turn number. I had to wait 20 min. For my turn. They made my hairstyle just as shown in the card. Their way of cutting and the equipment and structure was too good. I finally agreed with their quality and understood that why they are becoming more and more popular everyday. I am happy to have such a fruitful facility near my home.

Describe a time you were not allowed to use your mobile phone

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2 thoughts on “Describe a shop that recently opened in your hometown/area”

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