Letter to Council for the Dirty Street. Gt Writing Task 1

Letter to council for the dirty street:

  • Explain why it has become dirty recently
  • What problem it has caused
  • Give some suggestions.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to report the state of our street in recent times. I grew up in Beecroft, Essie town, and we have always had a good reputation for our cleanliness and orderliness. The reverse has been the case recently. I think it Is because a great number of our old residents have relocated to other cities for greener pastures which is not a bad idea, and the new occupants have not put in a considerable amount of time and effort to keep our street as clean as they met it. People keep dumping rubbish in the street and gutters, and some even defecate at night in bushes and people’s gardens when no one is watching.

This has given our community a bad name recently, and we also know the negative effects of a dirty and smelly environment. Our once fresh air and land have now been polluted, and It is getting out of hand. It has become unhealthy for our household, and children can no longer play around peacefully without fear of stepping on people’s faeces in bushes. For instance, it rained heavily in the wee hours of September 3rd, and the aftermath has been an eyesore.

To combat this situation, I think a community council meeting should be called at your earliest convenience with every member in attendance. The new residents should be given a proper orientation of how things are run in our street, and generally, members should be made to pay a fine if they do not follow the rules and regulations regarding general sanitation, and other disciplinary actions should be taken.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

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