Many More People Are Choosing to Live Alone Nowadays Than in the Past

In Some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than in the past. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Sample Answer of Many More People Are Choosing to Live Alone Nowadays Than in the Past

Nowadays, after a certain age, people prefer to live alone rather than live with their family. As compared to past in some countries, their citizens desire to live by themselves. This essay will describe why it is not positive progress.

Living alone has always been a dream of every teenager to enjoy their life without any parent’s restrictions. When people start making a good amount, they start to do things from bucket list and living alone is always a dream of every singles life. As they can do whatever they want, for example, if one wants to do party until midnight, they can not do while living with parents, but if they live alone, they can invite their friends as many times as possible. While living with parents, there are chances of restrictions and rules in a lot of things like, sometimes they can not eat their favourite food because food has been cooked already, they can not go to a party with friends very often, they can not I sometimes in their house. To avoid these limits, people start living on their own. Moreover, they can make their own rules to live. They can go outside whenever they want, and they can invite anybody to their house whenever they want; they can design their house by their taste.

However, live with parents is way more beneficial than live my own. Live with parents will decrease expenses to almost less than 50% as house rent or mortgage, groceries, utilities, and all the expenses will be less than living alone. Additionally, one can have love from family. If someone decides to live alone, they will not have anyone to talk with or share feelings with, but their parents will always be there for them if they live with family. Also, if they fall sick or anything happened to them, their family will always be ready to take care of them without any expectations. Even if they have to follow the rules and routine, but it is beneficial to them only.

To conclude, I would like to say, living alone will bring fun in life but at the cost of love by parents. So in my way of thinking, I would consider that if living alone is not necessary, people should avoid it and live their happy life with their beloved ones.

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