Photography IELTS Speaking part 1 Questions With Answers

Photography IELTS Speaking part 1 Questions With Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Photography IELTS Speaking part 1 Questions With Answers

Question 1. Do you like to take photographs? (Why?)

Answer –  Yes. I am very much fond of taking photographs. For me, more than a hobby. It is a passion. When I realized the ability that I had, I clicked lots of mesmerizing shots in my camera and kept safe on my laptop.

Question 2. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? (Why?)

Answer – I mostly preferred to capture pictures by myself. I believe the entire pattern for capturing pictures is extremely different from others. As a solid passion for photography, I am keen to take pictures.

Question 3. How (why) did you become interested in photography?

Answer – Well, when I was young, one of my friends had a camera that was operated manually. When we tried to click the point, it created extra noise, and I realized that we already copied to certain frames. During that time itself, I tried to like this device.

Question 4. How long have you liked taking photographs?

Answer – After completing my graduation, my parents gifted me a digital camera. It was small and easy to handle. But the problem I felt it had limited memory. When I got time, I tried to capture the frames around me.

Question 5. In what situations do you take photographs?

Answer – There are no significant occasions for taking photographs. However, moments like festivals, gatherings, get-togethers are the exquisite moments I took photographs of.

Question 6. Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?

Answer – Without fail, I took pictures of both of these. As I mentioned earlier, it is an ardour for me. I always tried to find something different in each frame. So, I do not have any such preferences.

Question 7. Do you keep your photographs on your computer?

Answer – Definitely, I believe it is the practical side of kept photographs safely. As per our requirements, we can easily find the photos and recapitulate the occasions easily. On the other hand, it is not safe to keep pictures in CD ROMs.

Question 8. Are there any photos on the walls of your home?

Answer – Of course, as per our tradition and custom, we kept our family members’ marriage function photos on our home wall. In addition, most of them are attached to numerous home decors. So that, it delivers a clever ambience for our visitor’s room.

Question 9. Do you frame (or have you framed) any of your photos? (If yes, which? & why?

Answer – Not exactly. For framing photos, we required additional materials and aptitude. There are numerous studious and art galleries that frame photos for us. It is the better way to frame photos.

Question 10. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself? (Why?)

Answer – Of course, at present, there are several photography contests in our country. They mostly invited softcopies of photographs where the participants captured on different occasions. Rather than this, I forwarded several photographs to my close ones through electronic gadgets and social media.

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