Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Reading

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Reading. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Reading

Question 1:- Do you like reading?

Answer – Yes, whenever I have spread time, I love reading books, newspapers, or any type of magazine.

Question 2:- What books do you like to read?

Answer – Generally, I read those books that taught me something about my life, about my passion or about anything, so I prefer to read religious books and the Life book of someone and also, if I feel bored, then I read comics.

Question 3:- What book have you read recently?

Answer – Well, recently, I read a book about a person who is working on his treasure, and he is not giving up on it. The book is known as The Alchemist, and I read it because I had heard a lot about its famous lines, so I wanted to read it.

Question 4:- What did you learn from it?

Answer – I learnt a lot from that book, but the most important thing I learned is that we don’t give up, and we have to work on our passion or treasure. If we want something, then the universe conspires to help us, and we will definitely get success if we do hard work.

Question 5:- Do you like to read at home or in other places?

Answer – Places which are calm and we can read peacefully with concentration at that places I like to read books, so it doesn’t matter that the place is home or the other. Sometimes I also go to the garden and read books.

Question 6:- In what places do you think it is difficult to read?

Answer – Such a place like who have a lot of noise, and we can’t stay focused on reading, and we have to look up and answer anyone’s questions. Those places are so irritable in reading.

Question 7:- Do you like to read by yourself or with other people?

Answer – No, I never prefer to read with other people, my friend, family member or anyone. I always preferred to read alone because when I read something alone, I focused more and read it very carefully.

Question 8:- Do you read professional books?

Answer – No, I don’t read professional books, but my father is a businessman, so he has a book known as business strategies. So once I read a few pages of that book, but I don’t find it very interesting, I leave it, and after that, I never try to read some professional books.

Question 9:- Why do parents ma#ke children read books at an early age?

Answer – There is a reason behind this that nowadays, as we see, there are a lot of children who don’t know how to speak a simple word which is written in simply their known language, so some parents want their child to speak as much as possible in early age. 

Question 10:- What was your favourite book as a child?

Answer – In my childhood, there was a book famous for many interesting stories about animals and old people or small children. Also, that book contains many activities and drawings, so I like that book very much. It is the book known as Champak.

Question 11:- Should reading be compulsory at school?

Answer – Definitely yes, if there is no reading in school, then a student does not speak or does not read any kind of word because they are not educated about how to read something or how to know to avoid it, so it is compulsory to reading in schools.

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