Smoking not only harms the smoker, but also those who are nearby.

Smoking harms not only the smoker but also those who are nearby. Therefore, smoking should be banned in public places. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In this sophisticated world, smoking has become ubiquitous nowadays owing to this, and the mortality rate has reached an alarming rate. The noxious gases either emit by the plebeians or smokers have detrimental effects on the non-smokers. Consequently, the utilization of it should be prohibited in public places. This essay will highlight that this is certainly a rational approach that needs to opt.


At the outset, smoking is considered to be an insidious killer. It increases the risk of many health-related ailments – lungs cancer, tuberculosis, mouth cancer – which pit adverse impacts on the individual’s health. Apart from it, sometimes the people who have asthma and recovered patients inhale the toxic gases through the air, increasing the risk of many health-related issues. A survey was conducted that second-hand smoke exposure causes 70% of lung cancer deaths annually among adult non-smokers. Consequently, the health of innocent non-smokers who are in public places is being jeopardized against their will.


Moving further, if people go for a morning walk for taking fresh oxygen which Rejuvenates their mind. Moreover, when they come in contact with smokers, then they exhale the gases. To illustrate, nowadays, most firms provide separate smoking areas for their employees who smoke so that the other people will not suffer. Besides this, smokers throw lit cigarettes in distinct areas and don’t concentrate on what will occur. Lighted cigarettes usually pose fires, and consequently, public places will be destroyed by fires.


To recapitulate, if smoking is banned in public areas, it will promote a healthier lifestyle for everyone. The government should take strict decisions on the usage of smoking in public places. In this way, more and more people avoid taking it.

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THIS IS END OF IELTS FEVER PRACTICE TEST(Smoking harms not only the smoker but also those who are nearby. Therefore, smoking should be banned in public places. To what extent do you agree or disagree?)

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