socialize online rather than face to face – Writing Task 2

Nowadays more people are choosing to socialize online rather than face to face, is this a positive or negative development?


Socializing online is becoming increasingly popular among people whereas the traditional way of socialization has become less attractive. In my opinion, this is a negative development as socialization online cause dissatisfaction in relationships, lead to isolation, and create other problems in life.


One severe problem that socializing online can cause is that it can be harmful to real-life relationships that exist in the lives. In other words, as people become more interested in making friends online and spend time with them, has led to less interaction with people such as blood relatives and blood relatives. As a result of this, existing relationships with the people who are more meaningful in our lives has been ignored and becoming distant from each other.


 Another issue with people who are making online friends that they can go to self-isolation. People who do online friendships and spend time chatting online usually prefer to stay alone at home and avoid meeting with friends and family get to gather. Initially, they feel comfortable with this routine but sooner or later this can push them towards isolation which can result in depression and mental trauma


Finally, individuals who choose to online interaction can face difficulties in their lives as they connect with people who can be with fake identities on social plate form and hiding their characteristics. This can be revealed immediately or after several years later while nothing can undo the loss that would already be suffered. Specifically, teenagers are more vulnerable, as they are more impressionable and tend to post pictures online or sharing with online which can resurface in later years of life and may cause embarrassment to them and their family as well.


In conclusion, although it is now in trend to make friends online and spend time on different social media application, it has also brought a different kind of problems in human life such as dissatisfaction in relationship with close family members and peers, isolation in life, and emotional setbacks from fake identities.

This is the Sample Answer of socialize online rather than face to face Writing Task 2

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1 thought on “socialize online rather than face to face – Writing Task 2”

  1. In today’s epoch, it is prevalent that more people are interested in meeting friends and acquaintances online instead of meeting them in person.
    In my opinion, this is a negative development that can result in isolation and other serious health
    challenges later in future.
    To begin with, one major problem that emanates from people socializing online is isolation. Prior to the invention of the internet, people connect with their potential friends in Clubs, Restaurants and Cafes. But nowadays, things have changed drastically and most people sit in the comfort of their homes and connect with friends online. For illustration: some people go to the extent of joining different dating site
    to make friends. With the advancement of technology, it is possible for someone in Nigeria to chat with
    other friends in Europe, Australia, Canada and other developing countries which sometimes leads to
    isolation which is detrimental for our health.
    Secondly, meeting people online could be dangerous. Many fake people disguise online to look for a
    friend meanwhile they are scammers and people of unquestionable character. Furthermore, it is more
    advisable for us to be very careful and watchful with people we meet online.
    However, socializing online is accompanied with some embarrassment which can resurface later in the
    For Example: A friend posting an intimate conversations or probably sharing nude pictures of herself
    with a friend, these could lead some unpredictable situations in the nearest future.
    In Conclusion, l will reiterate by saying that the internet has become a popular meeting grounds for
    socializing through coincide with its drawbacks.

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