Some People Think That It Is Fine for Professional Sportsmen and Sportswomen to Misbehave

Some people think that it is fine for professional sportsmen and sportswomen to misbehave on or off the field, as long as they are playing well. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer 


Many peoplepeoplepeoplepeople commonly thought that sports personalities could be mischievous dg the routine as far as they perform better. I reckon any personality can be recognized by their deeds and should behave properly during their prime or grey time. Firstly, this essay shall discuss how people change after getting enough fame from the supporters, which proportionally influences youth. e. Secondly, it will discuss how behaviour plays a vital role in sports events.

paragraph 1:

Sporting events play a precious role in many nations in certain ways, such as uplifting the spirit of games, encouraging the young generation to taparticipateparticipateparticipatete in outdoor activities, and changing individualindividuals’individuals’individuals” mindsets. It has been seen in many nations that sports stars become reckless and off the field, which directly impacts the present generation.

paragraph 2:

Youth are the future of any respective nation if their ideal sports personality behaves abnormally. They take it for granted, and their behaviour is also in a domestic place. For instance, Mister Virat Kohli is the elite sportsman of the cricketing world when he was barging on the field in 2014 against an opponent closely monitored by every fan and supporter, which directly affected the whole nation. Thus, such stars’h stars’ stars’ stars’ wild impact should be controlled to prevent an adverse impact on the nation.

paragraph 3:

Also, any sportsperson’s aggression is good, but it has to go in a proper direction to get a positive result of the event. Often, open-field behaviour impacts the games, such as reducing concentration, decision-making ability, and spirit of the games. For instance, Mr Dhoni is cool and composure personality on and off the field, reflecting on his game. He helped the Indian team to bring more than three trophies across the game. Therefore, behaviour plays a vital role in the game and admires people as well.


To conclude, sports athletic should not forget their worth and importance during their rainbow days.

this is the end of writing task 2: Some people think that it is fine for professional sportsmen and sportswomen to misbehave on or off the field, as long as they are playing well. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

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